Saturday, August 9, 2008

I am now a dotcom!

When I started my business I was happy to tell people that I was an LLC (being that my company is Jen Hintz LLC and I am the sole member thereof). Well, I am now a dotcom! A few days ago I purchased and also . If you don't have your own domain(s) yet, I suggest you not wait any longer. It's cheap, it's easy, and it's really fun even if all you do with them is forward them to your Etsy shop, or put up a few goofy pictures of your cat.

The one reality check I've had with all this excitement, though, is that my HTML knowledge is both rusty and outdated. I'm the type who insists on writing out the html code rather than using a program to do it for me. Call me old-school, but I just prefer to do it that way...maybe it's because that way I can control every last little detail, maybe I'm just hard-headed and self-torturing like that, I dunno. (The fact that all the really good website-building programs are and always have been far too expensive for me is a factor too.) Whatever the case, it appears that much of the html code I learned 10-12 years ago is what they call "deprecated" now, and anyway I'm having trouble remembering a lot of it. As for XML and XHTML and CSS, I'm not entirely sure they existed as mainstream languages when the books I learned my coding from were written.

And that, dear reader, is why my cool shiny new dotcom will just have to be pitiful until I get some new HTML books. I've done some looking around and obtained some recommendations, and I think the two I'm getting are as follows:
Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Guide by Danny Goodman (ISBN 978-0596527403)
Build Your Own Website the Right Way by Ian Lloyd (ISBN 978-0975240298)