Here I am (on the left) with Melissa of SnitchesGetStitches and Xiane. Oh, and Melissa's little robot-plushie friend...I didn't catch his name.
And here I am again, this time with Rob White, sometimes known as the Trollslayer. He's the Etsy admin most often in charge of the forums, and a stellar advocate for the Etsy community. In fact, I credit Rob with being the reason I'm on Etsy; I first met him at another craft fair this time last year, and his passionately zealous explanation of what Etsy was and what its community was like convinced me that I needed to become a part of this movement. He also happens to be married to the lovely Xiane (pictured above).
All in all it was a great day. I saw some Etsy sellers I already knew, met some new ones I'd previously only spoken to online, and an old friend met me there and brought her husband and adorable daughter. Hopefully next year I'll be vending, and you can come shop in my booth!