Friday, September 5, 2008
Featured Seller: Tweedy Lane Designs

Monday, September 1, 2008
Giveaway: Deluxe Bath Set!
All pieces are hand-crocheted from soft 100% cotton yarn. The cloths are soft enough for sensitive skin while the texture provides gentle exfoliation. The soap sock is great for full bars of soap, or for using up those little slivers that have become too small to easily hold on to.
The deadline to enter this giveaway is now past. I will announce the winner shortly. I will be holding more giveaways in the future, so please check back often. Thanks!
Featured Artist: HightowerBotanicals
Julee of Hightower Botanicals is the artist behind this pretty pendant. When asked about it she said, "This Maple tree seed pod is a favorite of mine because as a child I played with the seed pods by pulling them apart and sticking them on my nose! And also of course, throwing them off of high places so they'd spin down to the grown like a helicopter."
Julee grew up in Washington state before going to art school in Brooklyn, New York. She currently works as an artist's assistant and makes huge casted and fabricated sculptures in many materials. She sees her jewelry work as miniature sculpture and especially enjoys working with plants and herbs.