Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wow, was I wrong!

As mentioned in a previous post I've been working on building I did order Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Using HTML & CSS by Ian Lloyd. It was published in 2006 as opposed to the book I first learned HTML from (circa 1997), and the title really does say it all. I'm coming to understand just how messy and simply wrong most of the html I learned back then was. No wonder I could never build great pages!

This book teaches the new XHTML and CSS all as one entity, and it makes a ton of sense. It's written so that even a total beginner can follow it, but it's not too dumbed-down for those with some base knowledge (however misled we may have been). Each lesson is broken down into manageable bites of information, and there are plenty of examples both of the markup and of what the resulting webpage looks like.

If you want to make your own website but don't have approximately $400 for a program like Dreamweaver, I think this book is a great jumping-off point.


Curly Sue said...

Wow, good luck with that, I wouldnt even attempt it! Look forward to seeing the end result :)

Take Me to Chinatown said...

I will eventually learn XHTML. I want to put a fancy background on my blog. :-)

kim* said...

i use yahoo tools , look at my site, not perfect but pretty good for free. free as in doing it myself.

took me like 4 days pretty much non stop.

Lily said...

I have tinkered around with learning a tiny bit of html, but most of the books about it just kindof made my eyes cross... lol.

Congratulations on finding a resource that is really helpful! I think I'll just stay out of the html realm-- and leave it to the experts. Good luck!